Sunday, August 30, 2009

Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 
For in the same way you judge others,
you will be judged,
and with the measure you use,
it will be measured to you.
Matthew 7:1-2 NIV
Emotions at Arlington.
       As I watched the burial proceedings on television for Ted Kennedy, I was taken back to my last visit to Arilngton National Cemetery.  I was attending a business meeting in Washingto D. C., and had set aside a portion of one day to look around on my own.  I ended up spending 3/4 of the day photographing this hallowed ground called Arlington Cemetery.
       One can not visit these places without being in sheer awe at the acres and acres of grave markers.  Several thousand fallen heroes, and fitting memorials close by to honor them and those that will surely follow.  I had lost a friend from high school in the Viet Nam conflict, and had always made a promise to myself to be able to come see the Wall Memorial, and also this giant resting place across the river.
       The friend was a classmate, and had left his comrads in the 101st Airborn Division, friends and family far too soon in life.  You see, Gary was not layed to rest at Arlington.  But the Wall memorial reflection of his name etched in stone will be forever a photo in my mind!  So much sacrificed for the rest of us. 
       I was snapping photo after photo. I had walked nearly every corner of the cemetery. I was working my way back, when a horse drawn team with riders in escort came into view across the way.  I soon realized what I was witnessing was indeed another graveside burial service for yet another fallen hero.  I paused and my heart pounded in my chest.  It is another thing entirely to witness this in the stillness of that holy place.  I must admit I shed a couple of tears right there.
       I know the pictures I captured that day will be timeless, and forever help pay tribute to all those lives honored.  The things that stick with me are the emotions I experienced, and continue to feel when I view those shots of one of the best experiences of my life.
       Nature photography is like that.  You not only get to be there for the emotion of each shot, but you get taken back there each time you view your work!  Just maybe it helps a bit somehow to someone who is also still hurting.
       Goodby Ted.  Rest in peace Gary!
Love to all, Norm

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