Saturday, August 29, 2009

I have fought the good fight,
I have finished the race.
I have kept the faith.
2 Timothy 4:7
Just like riding a bike!
       I watched the space shuttle take of for another 13 day mission to the International Space Station live on the Internet last night from my study at home. How did we get to this point? I certainly remember that day (July 20, 1969) when we first stepped on the moon.
       It seems that since then we have become so accustomed to seeing and hearing about the space thing, that it has just become "old hat". What a marvel it remains to me! I know I am not alone, but to my grand children and many more, this space station thing has been up there forever!
       My younger brother and I worked long hours at small change jobs a couple of summers to finally save up enough to purchase a bicycle . What a nice feeling to be able to pay for something yourself, and then take care of it. We both shared the bike, and had allot of fun with it.
       The thing I remember most was that FIRST RIDE on the new bike! It was quite something for both of us I am sure. That seems to be similar to the first rocket ride, or that first "...small step for man", and was truly a "...giant leap for mankind" in my mind.
       The picture I am trying to create here is one of wonder at first steps, but how we take walking for granted as our child grows up. Both are not small miracles, and we have only God and our parents to thank!
       I would love to be able to take the photographs we see from outer space, or of the shuttle leaving the launch pad, but for now, I will settle for just being able to see at all! Thank you Lord.
Make this another day of small miracles,
and remember to hug your family!
Love to all, Norm
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