Friday, August 28, 2009

This is the day the Lord has made.
We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24 NLT
Foggy Friday!
I love the way the fog sets in through the low places,
and the sun peaking out above it.
These kind of days were meant for my Canon and I!
I could have taken at least a thousand snapshots that day.
I sat motionless and just listened. Far off I could here them.
Wild turkeys calling to each other in the crisp March early morning.
I managed to stretch out across the log in front of me and lay
for what seemed hours, waiting.
The fog was actually worsening and sort of drizzling, but
every so often you could see a small hint of sunlight
peek through the tree tops.
I had chosen a spot of dense overgrowth to make my "blind".
I longed for the big tom turkey that was so vocal, to come close
enough to step into the clearing in front of me,
and allow me to take my shot.
Of course, you know by now, when I say shot,
I am referring to shooting my camera!
I have not hunted with a gun
recently. That takes away from time I
could spend taking pictures!
Then it happened! All of a sudden the light from above came
streaming down in a spot just in front and to the left a bit from me.
The biggest tom turkey I have seen for some years entered the clearing. He seemed to like the sunlight as much as I did.
I was able to snap several shots, and catch that
iridescent color they sport as he lifted his head, and fanned his tail.
The wait had been well worth it.
The bad side effects for me were the worst case of Poison Ivy I think I have ever had, and sore joints and back from almost 4 hours of waiting in anticipation!
Well, thanks for joining me in the turkey stand.
Lets go again sometime!
Love to all, Norm
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