Sunday, August 23, 2009

Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.~ John 15:5, NLT
Sunday Mornings!
(First game is August 27th)
The photographer in me says there is nothing like early morning! I have grown to love those early morning commutes, because I get to see those beautiful sunrises. Jennifer says I need to come to Kansas though! She may well be right, but well, I am sure there are great sunrises and sets throughout this great country!
That is precisely my point, Jennifer! (Thanks for the comment Jennifer.) If we take time to look for God's beauty, it exists almost everywhere.
I do think this takes practice, and we can't get caught up (as we almost all do) just speeding our way through life, looking ahead only (or at ourselves). I am sure, because I know Jennifer, that she can relate to that frame of mind we can put ourselves into where we slow down and get connected with God a bit. Just try it in your own back yard, or better yet, grab your camera, and take a walk by yourself. I will guide you through a walk sometime. I am not sure when, but soon.
Well, I have got to get ready for Sunday worship service now. I wear jeans or casual mostly, because I know God doesn't mind. We have a BBQ after church too! Sounds like my kinda church. Joe once told me "doughnuts are at his church - that's why we go, right?!" I know he is not totally serious, and it sure was funny. God has a sense of humor too, you know.
Fell free to add your comments, and have a great day.
Love to all, Norm

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