Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jesus replied, I am the bread of life.
Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again.
Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.
~ John 6:35, NLT
HE was there!
As I stood for a moment, watching the ambulances and fire trucks outside the fire station, I knew it had been a bad day. I also knew He had been there. God does not cause bad things to happen to us. I mentioned it in yesterday's blog. Yet when those terrible things happen in life, He is there to provide care, compassion, and just strength to cope sometimes.

The ambulances were from several places. Several different towns around had teamed up to handle the emergency, and I knew there must have been a bad thing that happened. Although I had been outside away from radio or television, I had seen several emergency responders come back to the local station for "clean up". You could tell from the mood that existed compassion was still on their minds.

A pickup truck had gone through an unmarked intersection and collided with a school bus. Life flight helicopters, and ambulances, with volunteer fire departments from the community had joined the effort to save and rescue. The terror had to be the worst part. Moms and dads not knowing for sure what had happened. Not knowing if your son or daughter was hurt, or worse, has got to be one of the worst feelings we could experience.

I prayed that there were no lives lost. I prayed for strength to the emergency responders. I prayed for those moms. I prayed for those dads.

So far, there have been injuries to the bus driver, and I am sure bumps, bruises, and shock to all involved. Lives have been spared to all as far as I know.

Bad things are not supposed to happen to us, especially our little ones. I continue to pray that God will continue to be there for all. For me and you, He is always there. Even when we don't know we need him-always!

Thank you. Be compassionate today, and love to all.

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