Thursday, August 27, 2009

Surely your goodness and unfailing love
will pursue me all the days of my life,
and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.
~ Psalm 23:6, NLT
They say photography is all about light. I think that is, for the most part, very true. However, it is much deeper than that. The goal is to catch the light and the reflection! By that I mean not just the reflecting light, but the mood and the emotion, so to speak, creating a message about the subject.
I know this sounds rather vague, but this is the very essence of great photography, and remains the challenge to anyone looking through a lens. Small children photos are great examples of challenges in good reflection photography. Just try shooting pictures of them, and you will learn quickly that the right facial expressions and mood determine the outcome!
The great Ansel Adams was so aware of the subject when he captured great shots of our landscape. He was very concerned about the "message" of his results, and had a talent to recognize the correct composition and position to capture reflected light in such a way that it "spoke" volumes to the viewer. His photographs remain excellent timeless reminders of God's beauty reflected in nature!
That is what I am talking about. Being able to catch that perfect light, in a perfect setting, with the perfect mood, on the perfect subject matter. Sounds easy enough, right? Well, I am here to tell you it takes years of mistakes to learn the correct technique. I have not mastered it by any means, but 50 more years or so of practice, and maybe I will come close! Close to capturing that perfect shot. The shot that reflects God's face!
Have a great day Reflecting His love to all around you.
Love to all, Norm.
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