Sunday, August 30, 2009

Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 
For in the same way you judge others,
you will be judged,
and with the measure you use,
it will be measured to you.
Matthew 7:1-2 NIV
Emotions at Arlington.
       As I watched the burial proceedings on television for Ted Kennedy, I was taken back to my last visit to Arilngton National Cemetery.  I was attending a business meeting in Washingto D. C., and had set aside a portion of one day to look around on my own.  I ended up spending 3/4 of the day photographing this hallowed ground called Arlington Cemetery.
       One can not visit these places without being in sheer awe at the acres and acres of grave markers.  Several thousand fallen heroes, and fitting memorials close by to honor them and those that will surely follow.  I had lost a friend from high school in the Viet Nam conflict, and had always made a promise to myself to be able to come see the Wall Memorial, and also this giant resting place across the river.
       The friend was a classmate, and had left his comrads in the 101st Airborn Division, friends and family far too soon in life.  You see, Gary was not layed to rest at Arlington.  But the Wall memorial reflection of his name etched in stone will be forever a photo in my mind!  So much sacrificed for the rest of us. 
       I was snapping photo after photo. I had walked nearly every corner of the cemetery. I was working my way back, when a horse drawn team with riders in escort came into view across the way.  I soon realized what I was witnessing was indeed another graveside burial service for yet another fallen hero.  I paused and my heart pounded in my chest.  It is another thing entirely to witness this in the stillness of that holy place.  I must admit I shed a couple of tears right there.
       I know the pictures I captured that day will be timeless, and forever help pay tribute to all those lives honored.  The things that stick with me are the emotions I experienced, and continue to feel when I view those shots of one of the best experiences of my life.
       Nature photography is like that.  You not only get to be there for the emotion of each shot, but you get taken back there each time you view your work!  Just maybe it helps a bit somehow to someone who is also still hurting.
       Goodby Ted.  Rest in peace Gary!
Love to all, Norm

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

I have fought the good fight,
I have finished the race.
I have kept the faith.
2 Timothy 4:7
Just like riding a bike!
       I watched the space shuttle take of for another 13 day mission to the International Space Station live on the Internet last night from my study at home. How did we get to this point? I certainly remember that day (July 20, 1969) when we first stepped on the moon.
       It seems that since then we have become so accustomed to seeing and hearing about the space thing, that it has just become "old hat". What a marvel it remains to me! I know I am not alone, but to my grand children and many more, this space station thing has been up there forever!
       My younger brother and I worked long hours at small change jobs a couple of summers to finally save up enough to purchase a bicycle . What a nice feeling to be able to pay for something yourself, and then take care of it. We both shared the bike, and had allot of fun with it.
       The thing I remember most was that FIRST RIDE on the new bike! It was quite something for both of us I am sure. That seems to be similar to the first rocket ride, or that first "...small step for man", and was truly a "...giant leap for mankind" in my mind.
       The picture I am trying to create here is one of wonder at first steps, but how we take walking for granted as our child grows up. Both are not small miracles, and we have only God and our parents to thank!
       I would love to be able to take the photographs we see from outer space, or of the shuttle leaving the launch pad, but for now, I will settle for just being able to see at all! Thank you Lord.
Make this another day of small miracles,
and remember to hug your family!
Love to all, Norm
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Friday, August 28, 2009

This is the day the Lord has made.
We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24 NLT
Foggy Friday!
I love the way the fog sets in through the low places,
and the sun peaking out above it.
These kind of days were meant for my Canon and I!
I could have taken at least a thousand snapshots that day.
I sat motionless and just listened. Far off I could here them.
Wild turkeys calling to each other in the crisp March early morning.
I managed to stretch out across the log in front of me and lay
for what seemed hours, waiting.
The fog was actually worsening and sort of drizzling, but
every so often you could see a small hint of sunlight
peek through the tree tops.
I had chosen a spot of dense overgrowth to make my "blind".
I longed for the big tom turkey that was so vocal, to come close
enough to step into the clearing in front of me,
and allow me to take my shot.
Of course, you know by now, when I say shot,
I am referring to shooting my camera!
I have not hunted with a gun
recently. That takes away from time I
could spend taking pictures!
Then it happened! All of a sudden the light from above came
streaming down in a spot just in front and to the left a bit from me.
The biggest tom turkey I have seen for some years entered the clearing. He seemed to like the sunlight as much as I did.
I was able to snap several shots, and catch that
iridescent color they sport as he lifted his head, and fanned his tail.
The wait had been well worth it.
The bad side effects for me were the worst case of Poison Ivy I think I have ever had, and sore joints and back from almost 4 hours of waiting in anticipation!
Well, thanks for joining me in the turkey stand.
Lets go again sometime!
Love to all, Norm
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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Surely your goodness and unfailing love
will pursue me all the days of my life,
and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.
~ Psalm 23:6, NLT
They say photography is all about light. I think that is, for the most part, very true. However, it is much deeper than that. The goal is to catch the light and the reflection! By that I mean not just the reflecting light, but the mood and the emotion, so to speak, creating a message about the subject.
I know this sounds rather vague, but this is the very essence of great photography, and remains the challenge to anyone looking through a lens. Small children photos are great examples of challenges in good reflection photography. Just try shooting pictures of them, and you will learn quickly that the right facial expressions and mood determine the outcome!
The great Ansel Adams was so aware of the subject when he captured great shots of our landscape. He was very concerned about the "message" of his results, and had a talent to recognize the correct composition and position to capture reflected light in such a way that it "spoke" volumes to the viewer. His photographs remain excellent timeless reminders of God's beauty reflected in nature!
That is what I am talking about. Being able to catch that perfect light, in a perfect setting, with the perfect mood, on the perfect subject matter. Sounds easy enough, right? Well, I am here to tell you it takes years of mistakes to learn the correct technique. I have not mastered it by any means, but 50 more years or so of practice, and maybe I will come close! Close to capturing that perfect shot. The shot that reflects God's face!
Have a great day Reflecting His love to all around you.
Love to all, Norm.
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"His promise"

Let us hold tightly without wavering
to the hope we affirm,
for God can be trusted
to keep his promise.
~ Hebrews 10:23, NLT

Promises Made
Yes we make them! Sometimes to our selves, sometimes to others, sometimes to God alone. The thing we forget is that He already knows us. Don't think for a moment that you can bargain with Him either.
Often I wonder what happened. Why was I not able to accomplish all that I wanted to. Summer is disappearing, and my house is not painted. I think for about the 37th year since we Have been married, I have not touched my fishing pole! (Going to have to change that one!)
We don't get to take vacations like we want either. My wife and I would love to be off somewhere with just each other to think about for, say oh, about a month or two! But we would just miss those grand children too much!
"I will be able to retire someday, and do some of those things" - I say to myself. Well hopefully that is the case. I don't think I could ever see all that I want to, or do everything that I have planned for my life. But at this point, I seem to take each day as it comes, and hope for the best.
I know that even if I can't seem to keep my promises and accomplish my plans, God has not finished with me yet. I also know of His promise, and that he is a better planner than I am! Obviously He is a better painter than I am also!
Take care, and Love to all. Norm
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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jesus replied, I am the bread of life.
Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again.
Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.
~ John 6:35, NLT
HE was there!
As I stood for a moment, watching the ambulances and fire trucks outside the fire station, I knew it had been a bad day. I also knew He had been there. God does not cause bad things to happen to us. I mentioned it in yesterday's blog. Yet when those terrible things happen in life, He is there to provide care, compassion, and just strength to cope sometimes.

The ambulances were from several places. Several different towns around had teamed up to handle the emergency, and I knew there must have been a bad thing that happened. Although I had been outside away from radio or television, I had seen several emergency responders come back to the local station for "clean up". You could tell from the mood that existed compassion was still on their minds.

A pickup truck had gone through an unmarked intersection and collided with a school bus. Life flight helicopters, and ambulances, with volunteer fire departments from the community had joined the effort to save and rescue. The terror had to be the worst part. Moms and dads not knowing for sure what had happened. Not knowing if your son or daughter was hurt, or worse, has got to be one of the worst feelings we could experience.

I prayed that there were no lives lost. I prayed for strength to the emergency responders. I prayed for those moms. I prayed for those dads.

So far, there have been injuries to the bus driver, and I am sure bumps, bruises, and shock to all involved. Lives have been spared to all as far as I know.

Bad things are not supposed to happen to us, especially our little ones. I continue to pray that God will continue to be there for all. For me and you, He is always there. Even when we don't know we need him-always!

Thank you. Be compassionate today, and love to all.

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Monday, August 24, 2009

"Eagle tree"
Guard your heart above all else,
for it determines the course of your life.
~ Proverbs 4:23, NLT
The Sunday sermon was very touching yesterday. It never ceases to amaze me how often our Pastor David can hit a specific point that seems was meant just for me at that moment! He talked about how God does not cause bad things to happen to us, but when bad things do happen, God gives us compassion to help comfort and heal.
I think each small life-lesson, as David mentioned, is a gift. The subject of his message continued to enlighten us to the fact that there are so many of those small messages and lessons from God around us each day! We must be aware, and learn to listen for them. I have become more aware of the beauty of nature around me as I proceed on my "trail through life". I sure can relate that I see his message of caring and love through my photography (as David does also).
It is almost impossible any more for me to drive by my "eagle tree" without a prayer of thanksgiving going through my heart.
Take care this warm summer day, and take time to connect!
Love to all, Norm
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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.~ John 15:5, NLT
Sunday Mornings!
(First game is August 27th)
The photographer in me says there is nothing like early morning! I have grown to love those early morning commutes, because I get to see those beautiful sunrises. Jennifer says I need to come to Kansas though! She may well be right, but well, I am sure there are great sunrises and sets throughout this great country!
That is precisely my point, Jennifer! (Thanks for the comment Jennifer.) If we take time to look for God's beauty, it exists almost everywhere.
I do think this takes practice, and we can't get caught up (as we almost all do) just speeding our way through life, looking ahead only (or at ourselves). I am sure, because I know Jennifer, that she can relate to that frame of mind we can put ourselves into where we slow down and get connected with God a bit. Just try it in your own back yard, or better yet, grab your camera, and take a walk by yourself. I will guide you through a walk sometime. I am not sure when, but soon.
Well, I have got to get ready for Sunday worship service now. I wear jeans or casual mostly, because I know God doesn't mind. We have a BBQ after church too! Sounds like my kinda church. Joe once told me "doughnuts are at his church - that's why we go, right?!" I know he is not totally serious, and it sure was funny. God has a sense of humor too, you know.
Fell free to add your comments, and have a great day.
Love to all, Norm

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Thoughts along the trail

Saturday 8/22/2009

Jesus told him, I am the way, the truth, and the life.

No one can come to the Father except through me.~ John 14:6, NLT

"My First Blog"

Well, here goes! I have been wanting to start a blog for some time now. My son Joe travels allot with his job, and has a very interesting blog also.

He sends me pictures of different sights he sees along his "trail" of life also. Like the one he sent of a new Challenger - hot off the press - in front of him as he travels the daily commute home from work. (or was it on lunch break Joe?)

I hope to do this justice, and be able to share some pictures and thoughts along the way too. First off, I guess I should introduce myself to anyone who may read this that does not know me. I am growing closer to the end of my "trail" each day (but I guess who can't say that). I guess I mean I am a more mature man than I was in high school (not by much some days). I enjoy life and am content in my work as a photographer, grand father, husband and Christian.

The work I do as a photographer ( and my facination with God's beauty here in His creation will be most of my focus, most likely. From time to time I may include some shots of family, or cars, or kids and grand kids.

I love my wife Lois more than I did 37 years ago August 19, 1972! She is always an inspiration to me, and will continue to be the wind beneath my wings as I share life along the trail with her.

Well enough for now.
I will post more as I get time.
For now enjoy some of what I see on MY daily commute to work.
Keep your sunny side up!