Thursday, October 22, 2009

Every step I take

"Let all that I am praise the Lord;
may I never forget the good things
he does for me."
~ Psalm 103:2, NLT
I was anticipating the beautiful sunset to come,
as I packed my tripod and camera out to the field .
The country church was about 1/2 mile from me ~ to the west.
It had been a very cloudy day, but you could see breaks
where the sun beams were poking through,,
and I just knew the reflection
from those clouds would be beautiful.
When I got to the right spot, and set up,
I was given a gift from above!
All the glory of His paint brush showed through,
and like a crescendo, the sun poked through
just a few moments before it disappeared!
The amazing thing of that event was
that I had Left the car radio playing, as I set up,
and the song on K-Love was beginning to play
"Lead me to the Cross"
just as the sun appeared !
I certainly felt God's presence
in that mexperience, and could not wait
to tell my wife when I returned!
Love to all, Norm
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