Friday, October 2, 2009

Our National Parks ~ America's best Idea!

For God is working in you,
giving you the desire
and the power to do
what pleases him.
~ Philippians 2:13, NLT
"Our National parks
~ America's best idea."
If you have not taken the time to watch some of the PBS special by Ken Burns, you are missing a wonderful opportunity! Episode 6, my favorite to date, is currently airing on Public Television. I think there will be a total of twelve episodes. My what a moving masterpiece this is. Such a gift to the American people!
We owe so much to the dedicated conservationists who had the foresight to assure the preservation of land dedicated to National Park transformation. From the work of these people came the conservation and environmental preservation efforts that will last for all generations to come.
Men like Adolf Murie, and John Muir, who studied the land and wildlife, with such passion. Subjects such as giant Sequoia trees, and wolves. Many more people, pioneered efforts to keep commercialization out of lands that needed protection.
People in government like Stuart Udall, and His brother Maurice, along with the brave efforts of people like Janita Greene, and Lancelot Jones who knew in their hearts that this land had to be protected. And President Jimmy Carter, who used the "Antiquities Act" in Alaska.
Park rangers like John Cook, a 4th generation Park Ranger for 40+ years, passing the badge to his daughter Kacie Cook Collins, who in turn, may have a son (now age 5) to become a park ranger for a 5th generation of dedication!
As one person said during tonight's episode: "I may never make it to Alaska to see Denali, but at least I know it is there!" "One last chance to get it right!"
For all, I am glad that America is glad that they had the desire to do what pleases God! Tune in and watch ~ you might just learn! I have.
For now, Love to all, Norm
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