Sunday, October 4, 2009

"Great Plains~America's lingering wild" by Michael Forsberg

Always be joyful. Never stop praying.
Be thankful in all circumstances,
for this is God's will for
you who belong
to Christ Jesus.
~ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, NLT
Happy Birthday Mike!
A nature and conservation photographer ~ Mike Forsberg, with the help of many people, has created a masterpiece for all of America!
The picture book is titled "Great Plains ~ America's Lingering Wild". The effort took over 3 years, and more than 100,000 miles to accomplish.
With text and content help from Dan O'Brien, David Wishart, and Ted Kooser, Mike has put together stunning photographs and field notes from the prairie lands that are sure to enlighten us all.
Don't just look at the pictures, for if you do, you will miss what his passion is! He wants to bring awareness to the fact that man has forever changed, and in some cases eliminated part of the Great Plains. When we moved west, and settled the country west of the Missouri River, we interrupted habitat, and plant and animal species, and moved the Native Americans from their home land.
People like Mike Forsberg , and friend and nature photographer Joel Sartore, have a passion that I share. We may just be our own greatest enemies when it comes to disruption and conservation of our most valuable asset: the environment and earth we live on.
Pick up the book, and study each page. Help do your part. As Mike says "time is short".
Happy birthday Mike! Congratulations on the book.
Love to all, Norm
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