Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"It's a boy!"

"And he also said, 'It is finished!
I am the Alpha and the Omega—
the Beginning and the End.
To all who are thirsty
I will give freely from the
springs of the water of life.”
~ Rev 21:6, NLT

"Listen My Son"
Few things in life give us more pleasure than when a child is born to us. Those are just empty words when you have not been there. The instant pride, and feelings of accomplishment come over you, and you just want to tell the whole world about it!

I remember November 2, 1978 as being one of the busiest days of the fall harvest, as well as planting season for winter wheat. The responsibility I had to run a small branch operation at our local coop elevator sometimes was overwhelming for just two employees, but we managed somehow.

I had left my expectant wife earlier that same day, anticipating the blessed even very soon. She said I will be fine. I will call you when it is time. The day went by uneventful, and I was able to go home for lunch, as always. She said this may be the day! I told her to give me a little warning, and I would come running to get her to the hospital.

After several hours and checking 2 or 3 times, I was sorta thinking maybe she will wait until the next day. Well I had just finished dumping a load of grain in the elevator when I heard that horn sound to signal that the phone was ringing, so I ran inside to answer it. Sure enough, it was my wife telling me to hurry, because it was time to go!

I passed the truck that I had just dumped, and we barely made to the hospital with 20-30 minutes to spare. I let her out at the emergency entrance, and was going to move the car and hurry to attend the birth, but did not make it quite in time! After parking the car away from the emergency entrance, when I arrived he was just born. As I hurried in, the nurse said "It's a boy!" The Doctor had been paged, but did not make it in time either!

I remember holding him as he cried the first time. I said to him in a calm voice: "Listen my son". He stopped crying and seemed to look right at me! What a feeling as I handed him to his mother.
Love you much son! Happy birthday!

Love to all, Norm

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