Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Then you will know the truth,
and the truth will set you free."
~ John 8:32 NIV
The character of a man.
This doorway to the building that housed several of the classes that I took in collage had this inscription above every head that passed through it. Although I admit, I passed through several times without noticing, or looking up, this has become one of my favorite verses.
I take strength in knowing, as I did in my long passed school days, that these words mean what they say. He died for me and no matter what I am going through, His truth remains for me, and anyone who keeps the faith.
It has got to be hard for us to keep walking the path He has set for us, but just knowing that if, or more accurately, when we stumble or get off course, that truth will remain.
Character is our signature. What we do and say does matter. The people we touch, or that touch us in some way, will become a part of us. Our best asset in life is that signature we wear. That part of us that knows the good truth about our Savior will guide us through those tough times.
Help someone to realize the "truth", and you have helped the world.
Love to all, Norm
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