Friday, April 15, 2011

Nothing can ever separate us!

And I am convinced that nothing 
can ever separate us from God's love.
 Neither death nor life, neither angels 
nor demons, neither our fears for today
 nor our worries about tomorrow - 
not even the powers of hell 
can separate us from God's love.
~ Romans 8:38, NLT

We have it all too easy!  Recently I took a road trip, and about mid way, began to wonder what it must have been like to only be able to travel about 100 miles in a full day like our predecessors did!  They took enough food and also hunted food along the way, but life was surely a challenge!

As I stopped for a bathroom break, and a drink on my trip, I realized how convenient it really is to travel from one area of this land to another.  We have nice roads, and good vehicles, along with good rest stops and places to stay in comfort along the way.

Life has changed a lot, but one thing still remains: plenty of fears, and obstacles to safety and comfort still exist today just as they did in covered wagon days.  Also we still have a traveling partner, and comforter ~ the same one they relied on ~ to lean on as we hit the trail!  He will never leave us, and nothing, no nothing can separate us from HIS love!
Have a pleasant ride and comforting thoughts along the trail
Love to all, Norm  

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