Sunday, December 20, 2009

The perfect gift!

"Jesus replied, 'If you only knew the gift
God has for you and who you are speaking to,
you would ask me,
and I would give you living water."
~ John 4:10, NLT

The perfect gift!
The perfect gift seems to be a challenge for many people.
I guess I must admit, I do not enjoy fighting the traffic, and trying to find the right gift for everyone. But, on the other hand, I take quite a bit of pleasure in pleasing people, and one way is to give them something that really touches their heart strings.

Tradition shows up about now too.
My father always received one special gift from my mother each year. For as far back as I can remember, Mom quite often got our Dad a box of chocolate covered cherries for Christmas! Us boys never new the real reason, and full story behind the gift, but we knew very well the love behind the tradition. I am sure it started in the early days of their courtship, and we new that it was a very special gesture shared between the two of them.

As a small boy, Christmas gifts were so very special to me, and still are. I always wanted to stay up all night to get a glimpse of Santa, and I remember catching him placing gifts under the tree a few times!

Several very special memories were the
home-made gifts that I shared with my
two brothers. Our Dad is a very talented carpenter,
and we received a big red barn and a
rocking horse for Christmas one year. I must have
been only 3 or 4 years old, but I remember sneaking downstairs before anyone else, to find that
red barn and a horse we named "Rocky" under the tree.
I am told that I came running back upstairs
to wake everybody up,
and yelling: "he bringed a barn!"

Glow candles for the moms
and leather loop belts for the Dads!

We made special hand made gifts such as these
in country school every year!
Mrs. Russell, our teacher knew something
about making other people feel special!
She taught us that the gift given from the heart
with genuine love, will never be forgotten.

God knew what to give us. His Son.
His gift will never be forgotten.

Hope, Faith, Love, and

Peace on Earth!

Our best source of preparation is
turning to God, and the bible is our instruction book.
Our "back-up plan" is just knowing His forgiveness and

to trust in Him, without relying on our own understanding.

Love to all, Norm

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