Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last but not least!

14 So the Word became human

and made his home among us. 
He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness.
 And we have seen his glory, 
the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.
~John 1:14 NLT

Last but not least!
I love my job!
It puts me in contact with allot of people 
in different situations. People that I might not have 
otherwise even ever met.  I enjoy helping people too, 
and seeing the faces of those who are appreciative.

My career is in energy sales and safety.  
I believe we have a tremendous challenge 
ahead of us, and that it can be met.  
The challenge is going to be: 
finding energy sources to sustain 
ourselves, while maintaining the integrity of 
a world where water, food, and air are clean, 
yet wildlife, nature, and plant forms are 
allowed to continue to co-exist!  

I also am becoming more of an environmentalist as I get older.  
Our future on this earth depends on clean water, clean air, 
clean food, and clean efficient renewable energy sources!

I want to pass on this site, and ask that you also pass the word on too.  
We have a huge responsibility to conserve, 
and educate about energy sources.  
Leave a place better than you found it!

Here is a very educational 
Kids Energy website.  
(Several of us older kids can still learn allot too!) 
This will be very very important info to our children
 and grand children in the future.

Scroll to the bottom of the page, and you will find a whole
menu of different training exercises, and info that is very much
oriented to children, and also adult teaching guides about energy!
I found of particular interest the
"Things to do" 
 - activities for kids of almost any age to get involved in.

Let me know what you think.
Try passing this on to the children's teachers too.

Yes, this is the last day of 2009.
If we work together, and educate our youth,
this last day will not be the least!

Love to all,

1 comment:

  1. That's a neat website. I'll have to tag it for school.
    Have a happy new year!
